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Enable Your Team to Achieve Success with the Leader’s Intent Strategy

Empower your team to thrive with the Leader’s Intent leadership strategy.  It’s a 3-step strategy to define success, clarify purpose, & outline high-level methods—boosting trust, agility, & communication. Stop micromanaging and  focus on big goals. Watch the video to craft your own Leader’s Intent. 


Take time in December to implement Leader’s Intent, and you and your team will be ready to start the New Year off right.
Leader’s Intent is one of the most popular leadership strategies with my clients because it’s a powerful way to enable your team to understand their goals and objectives– and then empower the team to address them. This helps cultivate trust and improves communication.

As a result, you will have more time and the ability to focus on higher-level initiatives!

Ditch the Micro-Management Mindset with the Leader’s Intent PowerPlay™

Do you want your team to better understand the goals and objectives you have for them? Enable them to achieve success with the Leader’s Intent strategy.

Leader’s Intent is a three-part strategy. The first part consists of the desired outcome or end state: What are we trying to achieve? The second part is a basic purpose: Why we are taking on this project or initiative. And the third part is the how— a high-level methodology to follow.

In other words, with Leader’s Intent, you are communicating to your team, “Success to me looks like ______________.”  Understanding what success looks like enables the team to make better decisions as they move through the initiative process.

You’ll get better results, and increased agility. Leader’s Intent can be especially beneficial if you are working in a remote or disparate environment.

Download the Leader’s Intent PowerPlay™.

And as a bonus, watch this video in which I help you craft, step by step, a Leader’s Intent for your team.


Want More PowerPlays?

Access my full PowerPlay™  library anytime. These techniques can help you and your team prepare for and navigate your toughest, most complex challenges.

Simply register using the form at the bottom of the PowerPlay™ page.


Transform Your Leadership, Empower Your Team

Ready to lead with purpose and drive meaningful change? Contact me today for impactful keynote speaking, expert consulting, and deep-dive workshops designed to help you and your organization thrive. My Lead For Tomorrow keynote explores Leader’s Intent and other useful leadership strategies.